Sportstest Successful Cycling Seminar


Posted Saturday 12th November 2011 –

As part of a collaboration between Shutt Velo Rapide and Sportstest, Dr Garry Palmer of Sportstest will be running a “Successful Cycling Seminar” to explain the principles of training to help maximise your potential.

Taking place on the 16th November at Shutt VR headquarters in Brackley, Northamptonshire and is aimed at riders who have ridden sportive events previously but are looking to step up to road racing next summer or at progressing sportivers looking to take part in some of the more challenging European events.

The seminar will last approximately two hours with Dr Palmer covering essential topics covered in his Cycling: Successful Sportives book including training phases and how to build a training program.

Tickets cost £20 and can be booked via the Sportstest website at –