Motion In Mercia Entries Open Today


Posted Thursday 15th November 2012 –

The Wiggle Motion in Mercia 2013 sportive opens for entries at 9am today (Thursday 15th November) and if you enter before midnight on Sunday 18th November you can use the voucher code Ironbridge2013 to receive a 15% discount on the entry price. There’s also a chance to be entered into a prize draw to win £50 of wiggle vouchers if you enter via Kilo To Go’s new mobile website.

The inaugural 2012 Wiggle Motion in Mercia sportive brought 800 riders to the West Midlands on a route taking in Cannock Chase, the Wrekin and through Ironbridge (UNESCO World Heritage Site). Circumnavigating Telford with a start in Wolverhampton, the routes are bounded by the market towns of Rugeley in the North East and Newport on the eastern side of the Welsh Marches and the town of Ironbridge in the South.

There are two route options of 92 or 53 miles crossing between South Staffordshire and Shropshire counties taking in the climbs around Cannock Chase (Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty) with its fallow deer and war memorials. The long route riders are taken ‘all round the Wrekin’, the imposing beacon hill to the south west of Telford, including climbs through the Roden and Severn Valleys, most notably Gleedon Hill and Brockton.

For entry –